My Photos

Send us a photo of your completed Myriad® Sunroom or Enclosure Project and for your submission we will send you a $50 Gift Card*.
Or send us a photo or your completed NT Window or Door installation and we’ll send you a $25 Gift card.
It’s Easy! Fill out the form below and we’ll get your gift card in the mail.
Please include your full name, project address, install date and contact information for the NT Window Authorized Dealer who installed your new system… That’s it!
Please note that by submitting your photos you acknowledge
NT Window’s photo release statement – Click here to read.
*Only one gift card per household/Myriad or Window System purchase. This is not a product rebate, you will receive one gift card for your photo submission. See card for terms and conditions. Please allow 2-3 weeks for receipt. Offer available to new NT Window customers who purchase a Myriad System or Window System only. NT Window reserves the right to end this offer at any time. Gift card style may vary and eGift cards may be utilized. Originally Posted 8/29/2013. Revised 12/11/2020.
Photo Tips:
- Use a 5 megapixel digital camera or better and use the highest quality setting when you shoot.
- Use natural light. Raise shades or open curtains as necessary.
- Take both an exterior and interior photo for enclosures: Sunrooms.
- For Windows and Patio Doors exterior views will be perfect.
- Review your photos and only send the best of your newly created space.
- Remove any debris or misplaced items so that you have a really clean photo of your new room.
- Photo submission should be between 3 and 25 megabytes.